At Phanous we create a large amount of digital information. This information is used for the day-to-day work of the organization, as well as providing a record of decisions and actions needed for accountability and legal compliance. The task and responsibility ro create, manage and store this information is collaboratively shared by all Phanous members.
The purpose of this document is to,
Documentation is a fundamental part of our working culture at Phanous. We document for effective knowledge sharing and to ensure that our decision making is agile, consistent and systematic. The Phanous documentation guidelines is based on a 3-tier system philosophy. The three tiers of guidelines are;
Documentation principles refer to the general guidelines and issues we look to maintain across all our documentations. These will be independent of the context of the document. Any guidelines identified as a documentation principle means it applies to all documents produced at Phanous.
A document strcuture refers to a framework for documents with similar content, for example reports, papers, meeting agendas etc. Structure guidelines apply to all document with content matched with the respective scope of the structure.
Document templates are prepared for specifc types of documents. This will be either in case of regular documents required to be generated repeatedly, or in case of documents which are essential to be prepared to the correct format.
The 3-tier system is illustrated in Figure 1
Figure 1: 3 Tier documentation guidelines at Phanous
The system is bottom-up. This means when you want to create a document, you should first check to see if there is an existing template for it. If not, you may consider creating one (we talk about this later) or refer to the next level up guidelines about how you should structure your document (according to the category of document). For example, all reports (with or without existing templates) must adhere to certain structural guidelines.
If for the category of document you are looking to create there are no structural guidelines, then you may once again consider creating a set of structural guidelines, or else, refer to the overall principles of documentation to prepare your document.
If you decide you want to create a template for your document, make sure of the following,
Making a good template takes time and effort. Therefore templates are only recommended to be created for frequently generated document, or for documents which (may not be frequently generated) must have specific formats (e.g. financial docs).
Consider all the future users who will be using your template. Is the template easy to use? clearly understandable? does it require special technical skills, or use of special codes?
Do your research on whether there are pre-existing standards of documentation for the type of document you want to generate a template for. If so, please study and use them.
Try to collaborate as much as possible with others when making a new template. The more people collaborate with you, the less chance you have missed something out.
If you decide to prepare strcutural guidelies for a new category of documents, please pay attention to the following,
Keep it simple, to the point, and effective. Guidelines at the structural level should not be cumbersome or with too much detail.
The structural guidelines you generate will be used in the future to generate document templates. Consider yourself as the next person who would be using the guidelines to generate a template. Are the guidelines sufficient and clear to generate a good template?
Do your research on whether there are pre-existing standards of documentation for the category of document you want to generate guidelines for. If so, please study and use them.
Try to collaborate as much as possible with others when making a new template. The more people collaborate with you, the less chance you have missed something out.
Figure 2: How to use the Phanous documentation guidelines
Phanous documentation guidelines covers major scopes related to the production and maintenance of Phanous documents. This is categorized into the following five scopes.
Editing is related to editorial processes.
Formatting refer to how a document is organized and its structure.
Contents is related to what should (and perhaps should not) be contained in the document.
Referencing outlines the proper use of other people work.
Post-production covers the processes that kick in once a document is created and how it should be maintained.
Table 1 illustrates the items related to each scope and whether they are tier 1 or tier 2 guidelines. Obviously in a template all items should be specified.
Scope | Items | Tier Relevancy |
Editing |
Formatting |
Contents |
Referencing |
Post-production |
Table 1: Scope of the documentation guidelines
Our principles of information management covers creation and management of documents. These guidelines are partly based on [4] and [5]. Recall these are context-free and apply to all documents generated.
Agree on a logical and consistent way of naming files within your lab/team. Naming files consistently also helps to prevent version control problems if you need to work on files with other people.
To make tracking and sharing easier across various operating systems and between people, use the following guidelines,
Consider the following points about saving files,
As a default, you should use a cloud service to store your files with the ability to share files, recover deleted files, and version control.
If you do have to store a local copy of your file, make sure you update it on the cloud storage as soon as possible.
If your local copy is in conflict with the cloud version, you must resolve the conflict as soon as possible. Do not keep a conflicted version of the file on the cloud storage.
You have the responsibility to ensure that the proper rights and accesses are granted for the file. Only people who need access to the information should have it (See the data protection and data classification guidelines).
Only use a file format which is accessible and easy to use for all people who are expected to collaborate and work with on the document. As a general rule, (where applicable) you should also a store a PDF version of the final version of your document (for other people to view the content).
Choose a function-based approach to naming folders, give folders a meaningful name.
Keep folder names short to avoid very long file paths.
Try to achieve a balance between folders containing huge numbers of files, and folder structures many levels deep. A good rule of thumb is that most people should reach the information (file) they want in 5 or less clicks.
As a Phanous researcher, or as a Phanous administrative staff, you might have access to restricted employee personal data or company data. It is very important that you take due care and precaution to protect this data.
The following tips will help to keep confidential or senstitive data secure,
The information we hold at Phanous is orgniazed under a classification system which facilitates proper control and protection of data. These are,
Each type of data had a different risk factor attached to it and the impact on business is accordingly different. See the following tables for a more detailed description of the classifications.
Item | Description |
Classification | Public |
Definition | Available for public access |
Impact of leak | Not applicable |
Examples |
Table 2: Public data classification
Item | Description |
Classification | Open |
Definition | Available for all Phanous members |
Impact of leak | Low branding or financial damage. Minor privacy breach for an individual |
Examples |
Table 3: Open data classification
Item | Description |
Classification | Confidential |
Definition | Restricted access for a controlled group of people |
Impact of leak | Medium branding or financial damage. Intermediate privacy breach for an individual. May make it less likely that Phanous would be trusted with similar information in future. |
Examples |
Table 4: Confidential data classification
Item | Description |
Classification | Sensitive |
Definition | Restricted access for a controlled group of people |
Impact of leak | High: Could substantially damage our reputation, have a substantial financial effect, or result in a serious privacy breach to one or more individuals. |
Examples |
Table 5: Sensitive data classification
Version control is extremely important both for collaborative and non-collaborative documents. Version control,
Document version control uses incremental numbering or lettering of file names to show changes to a document or file. It allows you to keep track of revisions and removes confusion when different versions of the same information exist.
Phanous general guidelines for document version control are as follows,
Collaboration is part of our vision at Phanous, and we exercise it where possible. Our wiki, Gerd is a great example of collaborative work created by Phanous members. Collaborative works should have an owner. The job of the owner is to manage the collaboration effort by,
In order to have effective collaborations the following hints and tips are useful,
As an owner;
As a collaborator;
Information created at Phanous should be objectively identifiable. The identification requirements vary depending on the document. A brief set of guidelines are as follows,
Public documents released by Phanous (e.g. reports, presentations, etc) should,
Phanous documents for general internal use (e,g, directives, handbooks, reports, etc) should,
Single purpose task based documents (e.g. meeting agendas,draft papers, etc.) should,
English is the official language for doucmentation at Phanous. In the future, we aim to obtain the Crystal Mark and the Internet Crystal Mark accreditation from the Plain English Campaign.
The Plain English Campaign has several editing, proofreading and writing guides and tools. An excellent short guide is the How to write in plain English. Here are some tips from the guide,
Keep your sentences short;
Prefer active verbs;
Consider the example: Peter ( subject ) watched ( verb ) the television ( object ). With a passive sentence, the object becomes the subject and the subject becomes the object. The television ( subject ) was watched ( verb ) by Peter ( object ). Or the example: ’The riot was stopped by the police’ (passive) versus ’the police stopped the riot’ (active). The passive form is longer because we have to add ’was’ and ’by’.
Active verbs give shorter, crisp and professional sentences.
Passive verbs can be confusing, make sentences longer and make writing less lively.
Passive verbs may be used to make something less hostile (’the bill has not been paid’ is softer than ’you have not pain the bill’), to avoid taking blame (’a mistake was made’ versus ’we made a mistake’) or when it is not clear who the doer is.
Aim to use 80-90 percent of the verbs in the active form.
Use ’you’ and ’we’;
Use words that are appropriate for the reader;
Don’t be afraid to give instructions;
Avoid nominalizations;
Use lists where appropriate;
Myths (stuff you thought you cannot do but are perfectly ok);
The following templates are available for use by Phanous members. We encourage you to add your templates for the use of others,